Use Your Noodle: Learn Moodle: A Free Alternative to Board
Link for Moodle: http://www.moodle.org
Downloads can be found - http://download.moodle.org/?lang=en
Instructions for how to install can be found here - http://moodle.org/doc/?frame=install.html
Presenter's Own Moodle Class Web on Exploring Moodle - http://imp.usd465.com/moodle/ - - create your own login and password
Based on Social Constructivist Pedagogy
Resource for teachers using moodle - http://www.facultyroom.org
Check out this web site where educational developers put updates about what they are doing on their open-source - http://eduforge.org/wiki/wiki/nzvle/wiki?pagename=MoodleRoadmap
Quiz on Attitude Towards Thinking and Learning - http://imp.usd465.com/moodle/mod/survey/view.php?id=246
FREE - Open Source Software
Over 4,000 developers working collaboratively on this project
- Experience with Using Moodle
- Every upgrades that the district has used over the last 2 years has been seemless.
- Linux platform is more robust, Mac OS X Server does have some issues, can be installed on Windows Server 2003.
- Can use LDAP authentication for this. There are documents at Moodle - - http://moodle.org/mod/forum/view.php?f=25
- When editing your profile:
- Time Zone should be changed to ours.
- Use HTML editor
- DO NOT autosubscribe to forums
- The question about city - use school name instead of city
- Can filter words out, but because everything is logged, it really does not become a problem
To Gain Support from Staff - sell the modules that are easy and useful for them
Moodle Modules
- Assignment
- You can put a bunch of assignments in and they can be scheduled in advance.
- Allows electronic submission
- Online or Offline - Chat
- can set it up so that all chats are trasncripted so you can monitor.
- There is an instant messaging feature.
- Can be turned off
- Chat room is only for your server, your people - Choice
- Allows for polling features. Shows list of names who have chosen each one.
- Can allow for one time response or multiple
- There is an optional new module for questionaires - Forums
- Where most learning takes place
- Can be set up to limit who can post
- Can include rating for the posts (students, and / or teachers)
- Posts can only be at a set time
- Can spell check - Glossary
- creates hypertext dictionary
- any user can submit, or additions can be restricted
- can be turned off for quizzes
- can be rated and comments - Lessons
- The Lesson module is a content creation tool that allows teachers to create a set of linked pages. Each page in a lesson provides information and a question; the next page in the lesson is dependent on the answer chosen by the student.
- create flash cards
- provide content and assess learning in one activity
- Creates a series of linked pages - Quiz
- Create and give online quizzes
- Variety of formats
- Immediate feedback
- Students learn more effectively with immediate feedback
- can include media
- can include equation editing
- Can require password or specific network address
- Option to set time limit
- Variety of statistics provided for teacher
- incredible statistics for teacher - SCORM (Sharable Content Object Reference Model) - standards for learning online
- Look like flash interactive
- Go to http://www.google.com and search for SCORM and moodle
- Check out - http://www.simplelearningcreator.com/ - Surveys
- Pre-built surveys about teaching and learning - Wiki
- Wikis allow multiple users to collaborate - Setting up Class
- Can set up separate groups that do not see each other - like different periods of each classes
- Can also have visible groups or no groups
- There are 3 formats - weekly, topic, and social
- Can copy courses and archive them
- Show grades - if you choose no - then just the student will see the individual assignment grade
- Force language could be useful for foreign language class
- Meta course is a group of courses - for example like in a team setting
I created a test class on their server at http://imp.usd465.com/moodle/course/view.php?id=253&edit=on, my login in is my old one with my old pw.
I was thinking about some uses of Moodle. This course content management tool should be a valuable part of the UofP online experience. We and the professors could post course content, media, polls, and so much more. The software is open-source, which means it is free. I would be willing to manage the site, although everyone in the class would be adding the content. The only issue is that we need a server to host it on. I was thinking my school server, but that might not be a good idea. There are companies that will host the site for us. I could look in to the costs and then we could divide the cost. Check out the example Moodle site to see what I mean. What do the UofP people think?
Classroom Revolution will host a site for $99 / year. Includes 150 Mb of Space which is not very much, but useful for the resources and chat.
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